A time to give…

At this time of year, many moms have a myriad of emotions that surface. We find ourselves glassy eyed with bittersweet tears. The holiday season tends to bring with it, a propensity to relive our bygone days. As we reminisce over Christmases Past, we recall the loves that we have lost, the mistakes we have […]

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The Key Is To Believe And Do!

I must say, thank you to so many of you. I have gotten quite a few questions regarding how I stay so positive. I will tell all of you that I have not always been that way. My experiences have taught me that the more positive I am, the more positive, I become! Positive thinking […]

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Teaching a child the real meaning…

I received and email from a mom that gave me so much hope. In today’s world when so many children are being raised with the propensity to feel an entitlement, this mom’s attitude was refreshing. Hopefully her daughter will live her own life with a giving heart, just like her mom’s. She has given me […]

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Please be careful. A lot of you are beginning to prepare yourselves and are looking on line, for the divorce laws in your state, custody laws, etc. If your husband, children or anyone else, has access to your computer, you need to be very cautious. It is so important for you to keep your searches […]

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Tis the season…

As we realize that the joyous Christmas season is upon us, many of us are struggling with getting our trees up. We are fretting over decorations, finding perfect gifts and making holiday meals special for everyone. Many of us are thinking about the gifts that we are going to give to family and friends. Some […]

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Who kicks people when they are down?

What kind of person is capable if kicking another person when he is down? The answer is simple. It is the kind of person that takes pleasure in someone else’s pain and gains strength from it. The prisons are filled with such people. In a world that is filled with so much beauty and so […]

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Ladies, Moms and Friends, So many of you have exemplified such unbelievable courage and strength that I need to express my feelings about your successes. If I have been able to help even a few of you in some way, my goal will have been accomplished. Because you have shared your fears, your anger, your […]

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“Your Retainer Is…How Much?”

When you are ready or not ready, to enter the divorce process, you probably will have to pay your attorney, a retainer. If you need to change attorneys midstream, you probably will have to pay another retainer. How much is a retainer and where does the money come from? The answer varies with the attorney. […]

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