Are SAHMs Optimistic or Foolish?

This may upset some of you and for that I am sorry. I have a theory. I think that women, who become stay at home moms, share certain personality traits. As I see it, for the most part, these women are optimistic, naive, giving, unselfish, romantic, trusting, nurturing and extremely family oriented. Because they possess […]

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A life long lesson…Dolly Parton

“You better get to livin’, given’ Don’t forget to throw in a little forgivin’ And lovin’ on the way you better get to knowin’, showin’ A little bit more concerned about where you’re goin’ Just a word to the wise You better get to livin’. …Cause all healing has to start with you You better […]

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Kudos to Oprah, yet again!

Why is it that this incredible woman is able to face problems and issues with honesty and doesn’t feel the need to talk out of both sides of her mouth, unlike some of the politicians that we know? She takes the bull by the horns and gets to the heart of situations, that are often […]

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Civil Divorce…or is it?

Most people would agree that going through the process of divorce court is costly and unpleasant, at the very least. The best scenario would be one involving a divorcing couple, treating each other with respect and courtesy. That, coupled with two ethical attorneys, would make the court experience the best that it could be, considering […]

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Divorce damages hearts, emotionally and physically!

Did you know that the stress of a bad marriage, separation, divorce and the subsequent financial problems can kill you? Ladies, as you live through the divorce process, you need to take care of your children but you also need to take care of you! If your diet is not a good one and you […]

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Black and White thinking…

Thinking or speaking in black and white terms, is irrational. I don’t pretend to be a psychologist, or even close. However, I have learned that people, who speak in absolutes, are often egocentric, frightening and illogical. So many of you stay at home moms, who are involved in problematic marriages, tell me that your spouses […]

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Should SAHMs “batten down the hatches” or evacuate?

Many times marriage can be volatile. It may even be likened to a hurricane. After the squall passes, if you are lucky, you will relax and enjoy the peacefulness of the calm after the storm. You may look around thankfully and see that everything is as it should be. If you are not so lucky, […]

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Divorce is the demise of the family!

Picture this. For some reason, your children’s father has lost or quit his job. Are any of you old enough to remember The Kitchen Sink Papers? Anyway, the possibility arises, as you and hubby are brainstorming, that maybe you should get a job and hubby should become the stay at home dad, for a while. […]

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