Recession lowers divorce rate for the moment!

piggyI just heard some people talking about the fact that divorces are down because of the economy. They said that the recession is causing the divorce attorneys to earn less money. I’m not sure where their statistics came from but one of them said that petitions for divorce were down by 57%.

If that is true, is it a good thing? I’m not sure. (I am not speaking about the divorce attorney’s making less money.) My theory is that, if a couple wanted to divorce but didn’t because of the recession, that couple will continue to live together in disharmony until the economy gets better.

This doesn’t mean that the family is saved. It just means that there is a temporary delay in filing for divorce. In the meantime, children may still hear fighting, abuse may continue along with all of the other issues that a bad marriage exemplifies. My guess is that as soon as the economy improves, these same people will file for divorce. Only this time, they will be more prepared financially and emotionally. That’s the good part, especially for stay at home moms. SAHMs, are you hearing my message? I sure hope so!