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- 29
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Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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Women suffer financial devastation after divorce and I don’t just mean women from middle and low end economic groups.
Often, couples can’t rub two pennies together when they get married. In many cases, the wife begins a career in order to put her husband through law school or medical school.
Then these career women come to a fork in the road. They have two choices when they begin their families. One path leads her to a more and more successful career in an effort to make more money for her family as she climbs the corporate ladder. The other path takes her in the direction of leaving her career to become a stay at home mom and corporate wife.
Any of you who have been on this site for any length of time know that in most cases, stay at home moms are on the losing end of divorce. Well, there is another side to the coin. For women on both sides of the coin, the key is preparation.
When women are successful in their own rite, they can also lose during the divorce process. The system does not help women and believing that divorce is fair is like believing in fantasies.
I am receiving more and more emails from successful women who have juggled work and families just to get fleeced during divorce. In many cases, these women are paying support to ex-husbands who philandered because they earned more than their cheating spouses. Go figure.
When it comes to pay scale and divorce, it is truly is a man’s world.
Photo: juliejordanscott