Should SAHMs “batten down the hatches” or evacuate?

Many times marriage can be volatile. It may even be likened to a hurricane. After the squall passes, if you are lucky, you will relax and enjoy the peacefulness of the calm after the storm.

You may look around thankfully and see that everything is as it should be. If you are not so lucky, your heart breaks, as you evaluate the damage. You feel sick as you view the devastation, that the hurricane left behind. People, who live in areas exposed to possible hurricanes, usually prepare themselves for the possibilities. They buy batteries for flashlights. They buy dry ice, in case of power losses. They make sure that they have canned goods. They tape their windows or board them shut. They may even put sandbags out, just in case. They realize that they must prepare in order to protect their homes and their families.

Does it mean that these people hope to be in the path of a hurricane, just because they prepare themselves for the possibility? What a ludicrous thought! Who would want to live through the devastation of a hurricane or its aftermath? Would anyone think that the people, who prepare themselves for the high winds and flooding, are luring the hurricane toward them? I think not. Is the preparation unnecessary because these people are creating a “tempest in a teapot” or are they “battening down the hatches,” as they hope and pray that they won’t have to evacuate?

Look at the divorce statistices. Answer your own question.