Mark Victor Hansen, the co-author of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books, has permitted me to tell you about what he taught me and my experiences, after meeting him. I met Mr. Hansen and listened to his words at the Mega Book New York seminar in May 2007. Mr. Hansen spoke of the negative things that had happened to him in his life and how he was able to turn everything around with positive thinking. I have always been a “glass half full” kind of person but Mark Victor Hansen taught me something very different that day.
As I listened to him, I understood more specifically, his message. We become what we think about. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In addition to thinking positively, Mr. Hansen added another dimension to the process. As he spoke, I remembered the words that my mother taught me as a child. She said that, “It is better to give than receive and in giving we do receive.” Mr. Hansen put a different spin on those words. He explained that we must be of service to others in order to experience prosperity.
I came to understand the empowering gifts that both my mom and Mark Victor Hansen had given to me. I was just beginning to really understand the concept as I listened to Mr. Hansen speak. After I left the conference, I began to implement the lessons that he had taught me. My life began to change for the positive. It seems as though people began to arrive in my life, just when I needed them. Events seemed to happen at just the right time. I am convinced that Mark Victor Hansen changed my life. I am feeling excited about my future, instead of being anxious about it.