I received and email from a mom that gave me so much hope. In today’s world when so many children are being raised with the propensity to feel an entitlement, this mom’s attitude was refreshing. Hopefully her daughter will live her own life with a giving heart, just like her mom’s.
She has given me permission to quote her: “Your welcome! I always feel that we have it bad with me just working now and dear hubby staying home with the baby and our daughter when she is home after school and listening to my daughter asking for something that friends of hers have and at that time we cant get it for her because of either paying the bills or getting her everything her friends have.
I feel like I am a bad parent because of it. I told her not everyone can afford to have expensive things and you should be fortunate that you have your health and a good family and a healthy baby brother to play with. So for Christmas she donated all her out grown clothing and toys to Goodwill. I made with her a craft project we made mini wreaths out of pipe cleaners and rings from milk cartons and juice and pop bottles. (You take the plastic ring and wrap the pipe cleaner around the ring until it’s covered.)
Then we hot glued small mini ornaments on them and we just hot glued some coordinating beads on some of them too and glued with a small pipe cleaner a hanger to hang them up. She made some for her class for their Christmas party as a favor. Also we made some to take to the one local nursing home to give to patients there! Happy holidays.”
Amen. My wish for all of us, during this special season, is that we are able to focus on giving from the heart and not from the pocketbook!
Photo by Holland Fabric House