The Answer Is Evident In “Rugby’s” Picture.

As a lot of you know, I have put together a video of my friend, “Rugby.” OOPS! Big mistake, my friend and Web Master has put together a video of my hero, “Rugby.” Anyway, “Rugby” has been quite the hit on the internet and on Twitter in particular. If any of you are not aware of his story, you can find it here at about Claudia or at or at

“Rugby” has been quite the hero to many people and first and foremost is myself. He has  been a shining example of how each of us can help ourselves by looking at the positive side of everything that comes our way. When we learn to  greet each day with the belief that we will be better than fine, we become better than fine.

Our own attitude is what can and does make the difference between whether or not we just survive or actually evolve in our lives. If you need a little motivation or encouragement, “Rugby” is the dog that will give it to you. This is the picture that I took of “Rugby” today. What do you see in this picture? Look hard because what is in the picture IS the ANSWER. Hopefully you can see the answer in “Rugby’s picture.