We have heard about The Feminine Mistake, The Mommy Wars and the like. So, some moms don’t agree with other moms. That isn’t a new concept. When I was a young mother, the argument was about breast feeding versus bottle feeding and natural childbirth versus being knocked out during delivery.
Part of the problem now, is very different. The fact that more stay at home moms and working moms are finding themselves, in divorce court, a new imbalance for the stay at home mom comes into play. Think about it. The female attorneys and judges, who have children, are working moms. These working moms are often deciding the fate of the stay at home mom in court. Does that make them bad mothers? No, absolutely not! But, here’s the rub. If these women wanted to stay home with their children and couldn’t or if they didn’t want to stay home with their children, they just might have feelings of jealousy or superiority for the stay at home mom.
This reality will not weigh, in the stay at home mom’s favor, in the court room. As the stay at home mom, fights for her financial future, the scale of justice is once again tipped. Why? Because, if moms are arguing with moms about which is the better choice outside of court, the obvious, is that the stay at home mom is doomed in court. If you add the Gretchen Ritter type feminists to the picture, the stay at home mom will be afforded the lowest rung on the ladder of respect and or success by the working moms in divorce court.