The Key Is To Believe And Do!

I must say, thank you to so many of you. I have gotten quite a few questions regarding how I stay so positive. I will tell all of you that I have not always been that way. My experiences have taught me that the more positive I am, the more positive, I become!

Positive thinking begets more positive in our lives. That is why I have suggested to those of you who have sunk pretty deep that you need to change your way of thinking. It is essential that you attempt to replace each negative thought with a positive one! It isn’t easy but it really works.

I must confess that I do have a good cry, every now and then.  I know from personal experience that a good cry is OK, even good because it can be cleansing. The important part is that, none of us can afford to stay in a sobbing or depressed heap for very long. It is counter productive. Since we want to live happy lives, we must seize optimism in everything that we think, say and do. I believe that an upbeat attitude attracts a peaceful and harmonious lifestyle.

Moms, I must also apologize to you.  If I don’t answer you immediately, it is because many of you have been in such desperate situations that those emails are the ones that I am obligated to address first. Please keep your questions coming and I will catch up as soon as I am able. If you email me directly at claudia at I’ll get to your email faster.