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Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Coach, General, Women's Strength
Tags : divorce attorneys, divorce coach, divorce perspective, womens divorce
I ran into an old friend over the weekend and found out that she was divorced. The last time I had seen her, she told me about her eminent divorce and how she had hired a great divorce attorney.
At the time, everything she said about him, sounded good. I remember thinking that she was “lucky” to have found a divorce attorney who charged appropriately and seemed to have her best interest at heart.
As she began to fill me in on her current life’s happenings, she said that she had fired her first divorce attorney because he wasn’t doing what he had promised. He had sounded like the perfect divorce attorney when she had first described him.
As she said he stopped returning her calls, I felt a lump in my throat because it reminded me that I had experienced the exact same thing during my divorce.
When you are going through divorce, it is difficult enough when your attorney is working for your good. It is horrific when you do not have your attorney in your corner.
She mentioned that she had hired a second attorney who she didn’t like that much because of his poor bedside manner. She said that he did what he said he would do and didn’t over charge her. How important is bedside manner when it comes to a divorce attorney? That is a question that only you can answer.
She was proactive because she realized that she couldn’t be penny wise and pound foolish and placed focus on how billable hours were calculated.
The moral of the divorce story:
If you select a divorce attorney who abandons you or doesn’t do what he or she said would be done, have the courage and decisiveness to make a change. Remember that your divorce attorney works for you, not the other way around.
Photo: anathea
[…] Source: https://claudiabroome.net/?p=12623 […]