Use Divorce As A Stepping Stone

The news just said that the people who will have the best chances for obtaining good jobs in 2012 are women! In fact, the women who will be the winners are the ones who used the recession to go to school or back to school and get better educations and degrees or certifications.

So what does that mean for you? It means that you need to use these women as examples in overcoming adversity. The recession and divorce are closely related. Both can cause pain, lack of confidence,  financial issues and an inability to be able to make ends meet.

So, today is the 29th of December. The New Year’s holiday is over on Monday and that means you need to take action. Follow the lead of the women who did something to increase the chances that they would have for a secure financial future.

Regarding the image above, I am of the opinion that the road to success is dependent upon education and experience.

Photo: gtalan