We Are All Of One Race: The Human Race!

I just heard a quote and I would like to share the author with you but I don’t have a clue as to who it is. The words were, “There is only one race, the human race!” What a succinct and eloquent way to clarify the fact that even though we are all different, we are all the same. Neither skin color nor religion nor ethnicity should play any role in how we perceive or treat members of our own human race.

I experienced something yesterday which made me feel physically ill and it was related to something that was supposedly said in jest. When my children were little, I told them that no joke was funny unless all of the people involved thought it was funny. If only one person was laughing, it wasn’t funny. It was unkind. My experience was related to words that were just that, unkind.

Think about the fact that little children have no prejudice. I believe that hatred is a learned behavior. It is taught to people at some point in their lives. I also believe that fear can and does cause hatred. Think about what is something that all people fear. Could it be poverty? So what is the answer? I believe it is that each of us must take pride in who we are, where we came from and where we want to go in life. If any or many of us are ever present while anyone is demeaned in any way, we must never be silent. We must stand up and be heard.

I know several people who learned very early on in our friendship that I will not tolerate bigotry in any way shape or form.  They don’t gossip around me and they don’t say anything derogatory about anyone. That means anyone of any religion, any nationality or any color. Those are my rules. Here is something that is amazing and wonderful. One of these people has come so far in her rational human race thinking that she actually voted for Obama this past election. How awesome is that? See, LEOPARDS CAN CHANGE THEIR SPOTS. Each of us must take any and every opportunity to teach them how and why.