The entire month dedicated to them. There have been many scientific studies done, proving that pets can help depression, relationships, loneliness, illness, issues with the elderly, the abused and the emotionally disturbed, to mention just a few. Pets are able to locate and rescue people, hurt and lost in all kinds of disasters. They can lead the blind and hearing impaired through life’s day to day activities.
They can turn on lights, open refrigerators and assist their physically impaired owners to live somewhat normal lives. They can search for drugs and bodies and they can locate potential explosives in order to save lives and prevent destruction. The one aspect of animals’ innate talents, that I don’t believe has been explored to any extent, is their ability to help to repair lives that have been deadened by divorce.
Pets are an important link in the chain of events that rebuild confidence and self esteem during and after divorce. Children and adults who have experienced abandonment, abuse and desolation are offered a loyalty and honest love that is unique to the human/animal relationship.
On the flip side is the fact that often the pets and their owners relationships are not considered to be important in the divorce process. Some pets, such as horses, are considered to be chattel in the court system, in many states. Chattel is believed to be personal property and is likened to a car or a piece of furniture in the court system. There is often no value put on these animals, except for a monetary value.
A divorcing woman, who loves her horse can be and often is, considered to be a spendthrift because of her attempt to hold on to her beloved pet. The importance of emotional involvement with the animal is not important, quite the contrary. The bond between the two is seen as insignificant and or a waste of money and the system offers no solace.
I have seen the words, Lord, please help me to be the person that my pet thinks I am. During this month of pet appreciation, these words continue to sing in my mind and heart and I thank God for allowing me to be touched, taught and loved by these wonderful and honest creatures.