Why Success Can Be Bittersweet

Today’s post is about feelings, something that we girls understand only too well. I have experienced a new year that is filled with so many bittersweet emotions.

The bitter part of what I am feeling is due to my witnessing the continued victimization of women as they endure divorce. They are being hurt, cheated and made to feel like they are worthless because of the very process of divorce. I hear time and time again how divorce attorneys prey upon women and their vulnerability.

That may sound melodramatic but it’s true. Our legal system can be ruthless and women, especially stay at home moms can find themselves in the middle of a process that they don’t understand. Too many heartless professionals take advantage of women’s guilt about their failed marriages.

The sweet part of what I’m feeling is due to the knowledge that we women can accomplish absolutely anything. I am so gratified with what I have been able to accomplish since February of 2002. I have evolved from being shattered and losing everything I held dear to regaining my self respect and ability to succeed.

For me, 2011 has surpassed 2010 by far and we are only three months into 2011. I am motivated by the desire to help women who are being hurt the way I was. Each session offers women better perspective and knowledge as they endure the divorce process. I am devoted to giving back but I am receiving so much more than I could ever give.

Can you imagine what it feels like every single day to get positive reinforcement? Can you imagine how it feels to take that first call from a woman who is so broken – only to connect a few sessions later and witness the fact that she has a better understanding of the divorce process and has an improved confidence level.

I wouldn’t trade what I do with any profession in the world because I am experiencing the joy that comes with making a difference. Thank you for sharing with your friends the fact that I helped you and can help them. Thank you for your words of appreciation and thank you the most for showing me the women you have become.

Any of you who might want to catch up and tell me about your new lives, I’d love to hear from you.

Photo: 4ocima