You Can Overcome Anything…Yes You!

So your life is in turmoil. You feel like you are losing it because no matter how hard you try, things don’t seem to be getting any better.  Nobody said life would be easy and even if they did say it, they were wrong!

As those of you who are regulars here know, I believe in the strength of women. That means all women, even you!

We have all heard about making lemonade out of the lemons that life hands you. I love lemons, so that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me.

I have a much better metaphor and it involves Pennsylvania Stink Bugs!

If you have never experienced these evil, awful bugs, I will give you a description of them.

They are a brownish color and appear to have armor on their backs. They are attracted to warm places including barbecues which is great fun when you turn the fire on the next time.

If you squash them, the most awful smell fills the air, thus the name Stink Bug. They arrive by the thousands and if you spray any kind of bug deterrent, they emit the same horrible smell.

This past fall, I went on a mission to rid the outside of my house of these archaic looking, pungent devils. It seemed like I was finally winning the battle when suddenly I realized that they had gotten inside. They were everywhere.

A few days into this crisis with these evil bugs dive bombing at me at night, I decided to recheck every possible nook and cranny for the Stink Bug Welcome Mat. To my chagrin, I found that they were coming in through my fireplace even though the damper was closed.

Just to bring you back to the purpose of this post, women can overcome any difficulty that comes their way. Sometimes the means by which they are able to solve their problems can be a bit unorthodox.

Whatever it takes to get the job done, I say. (As long as the means are honest, safe and not abusive.)

Case in point, I had to get these barbaric devils out of my house. Nothing seemed to work. I was miserable. I couldn’t picture being without these vile beings in my life and in my home.

Then I had an idea. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but it was cheap and amazingly effective.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is how I ended my suffering from these flagrant attackers!

So my friends, think about it. You might need to be creative…but you can overcome anything…absolutely anything!

You go girls!