You Can’t Afford To Make This Mistake

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to divorce.

Without exception, you need to cross your t’s and dot your i’s! If you know that your marriage is on shaky ground – and if it is you do know – please take heed.

Start to write in a journal that you keep where no one else will be able to find it. Write down events and times everyday and when you have time, write down your feelings.

What can be accomplished with a journal?

  • A journal can help to jog your memory regarding specific facts that you might otherwise forget.
  • Seeing something in writing after the fact, can clarify your perception of an event.
  • A journal can help you to become aware of recurring events.
  • Writing can be therapeutic and can help to calm your frayed nerves.
  • It can show you when your spirits go down compared to the up days. Very often it can also show you what  led up to the changes in your mood.
  • Writing a journal can help you to feel like you are doing something to help in the process.

As an example, if your spouse threatens you in some way, without your journal you might have forgotten that this is not the first time he made the same threat. The journal’s reminder will help you see that you must handle the threat as though you believe that he will do what he said he would do. You may not be 100% convinced and that isn’t what is important. What is important is that you take the steps to protect yourself and your children if he does hold true on his threat.

This includes but is not limited to financial threats. If he says he will take all the money, believe it! You can’t afford to make the mistake of assuming that he would never do such a thing because he would and he could.

I am not a fan of football, but I am a fan of these football words. “The best defense is a good offense!”

Photo by Alasdair Middleton