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- 18
Aug -
Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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Kim Kardashian’s wedding is all over the news. The beauty queen and her future husband…the outrageous amount of money that is being spent on a dress…on a wedding …the numbers that are being reported defy imagination!
Kim is reported to have spent over $50,000.00 on her original Vera Wang wedding gown.
The guests have been advised that they must wear either black or white to the wedding or they won’t be admitted. The bride’s maids are wearing green. Kim Kardashian loves Christmas and Christmas colors. Will Kim Kardashian be wearing a red wedding gown? Hopefully she will not because those colors will only cause people to react negatively but colors in and of themselves won’t be an indication of the success or failure of Kim Kardashian’s marriage.
Here is the thing…with all of the grandiose wedding plans…is there a plan if Kim Kardashian’s marriage fails?
I hate to add gloom and doom to a potentially wonderful day for both the bride and groom but my job constantly makes me open my eyes to reality. I deal with the aftershock of failed marriages.
For their sakes, I hope they prepared for the possibility that their marriage might fail. Hopefully, Kim Kardashian won’t be one of the failed marriage statistics!
Photo: AshleyCooper