You were just served with divorce papers or you just filed for divorce and you are afraid of what is to come.
If you could ask an expert for help and get real answers, what would your questions be?
Would your questions be anything like these?
- What do I do first?
- How do I select an attorney?
- How can I help my children?
- Should I move?
- How do custody issues work?
- What do I tell my children’s school?
- What do I tell my children?
- Should I get a job?
- Should I change jobs?
- What happens with my retirement?
- How long will a divorce take?
- How do I prepare myself for divorce court?
- How do I help my children?
- How do I prepare for a new future?
Please share your stories. Share your questions. Pay it forward by helping other women understand the divorce process by sharing what you have learned. They need you so much. Will you please help other women?
Photo: Futurescape