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- 30
Jun -
Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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As is often the case, I just read four emails from women I am coaching. In the subject lines were, “Help! Help Urgent! Urgent help needed! I need your help right away!”
When I see messages like these, I go into action to support these women and offer them my guidance. If could help each and every one of you who doesn’t actually connect with me personally, it would be to share some important information.
When a marriage fails and heads toward divorce, everyone in the family hurts. The part of the process that breaks my heart the most is that the children are the ones who so often suffer silently. It is almost a good thing when a child exhibits actions that send up enough of a red flag that a parent takes action.
Moms, if you have even the slightest read that any of your kids is emotionally troubled, seek help! Believe me when I say that you must put the legalities of your divorce on the back burner in order to help your kids to remain safe.
Do what needs to be done to help your child or children. If that means you consult a guidance counselor, a therapist, a doctor or a mental health institution, do it! Don’t wait or you might be too late!
Divorce makes adults crazy and that “craziness” effects children negatively. Please don’t worry that seeking help will trigger a negative attitude toward you or hurt you in court. That is so unimportant in the scheme of things when you might be saving your child from harm.
Your child’s emotional health and well being should be of utmost importance to you. Suck up your own pain and put your child’s needs first! Please!
Photo: Pink Stockphotos