Divorce: Don’t Underestimate Anyone!

Please don’t assume anything about anyone. I just received this email. Please take heed. It is so sad to see what some people are capable of doing when divorce comes on the scene. You must prepare for the worst and hope and pray for the best.

Dear Claudia,

I wanted to write to you to let you know how right you were when you warned me about my husband. I wish I had listened to you then and I ultimately, would have been better prepared in court. Never in a million years did I think my husband would try and get custody of the children. Boy, was I wrong! You told me to not underestimate him but I did. He portrayed me in court as a raging alcoholic maniac who wasn’t able to take care of her girls.

He had taken pictures of me on the couch for over three months claiming I was passed out on alcohol every night. Even though there was not a single picture of me actually drinking or with a glass of wine next to me, the judge believed him. It was so easy to have my girls, who I’ve solely taken care of since they were born, taken away from me and now I have to move mountains to get them back. The typical narcissist he is, he also is trying to alienate the girls from me. Thank you so much for being on my side through all of this and keeping me motivated to fight. I haven’t made that mistake again to not listen to your warnings. Right now, it actually looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Photo: configmanager