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- 14
Sep -
Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Audio Guide to Success, Divorce Coach, General
Tags : divorce attorneys, divorce coach, stay at home moms divorce, womens divorce
While it means the world to me to help women going through divorce, I must say that each woman’s story strikes my heart in a way that is indescribable. When I think that I have heard it all, another woman’s plight cements my understanding that women, especially stay at home moms, are on the losing end of divorce.
It all comes down to money or better stated, lack of money and I just hate it! This post is going to go in a different direction than most because I am asking for your help. Since you are here, you must have some questions about divorce for yourself or for someone you love.
Without being overbearing, share your knowledge and experiences with other women. You never know who might be in need of hearing exactly what you have to say.
Share the stories about what happened to you with your Divorce or a woman you know.
- Talk about finances.
- Talk about preparation.
- Talk about hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
- Talk about attorneys.
- Talk about custody.
The more you share, the more they will learn. The more they learn, the better off they will be.
Please…share your story. Do it for all the other women who might benefit from your mistakes and your experiences. Do it so that some woman, any woman might be saved from the kind of pain you are experiencing.
Photo: Duncan