Farewell Mother In Law!

Sometimes, even the most serious of subjects need a bit of levity. Divorce isn’t funny and no woman is ever delighted when she goes through a divorce but sometimes there might just be a silver lining.

So in an attempt to help you to have a laugh or two, I thought I’d share a few mother in law stories. After all, most women are not sad when their mothers in law are no longer in the forefront of their daily lives.  Mothers in law (MIL) are not known for being popular with daughters in law. (DIL)

Quite a few tales have been shared with me over the years but these are the ones that have remained imprinted in my memory.

  • The MIL who gave the DIL a feather for her birthday.
  • The MIL who gave the DIL her old dirty clothes for her birthday.
  • The MIL who returned the DIL’s thank you note with misspellings corrected in red ink. The best part was that all the spellings were correct in the first place.
  • The MIL who met her future DIL for the first time and asked, “Have you always had a weight problem?”
  • The MIL who bought the DIL’s wedding gown without even discussing it with the DIL or the son.
  • The MIL who wore jeans to the formal wedding.
  • The MIL who wore a wedding gown to the wedding.
  • The MIL who met the DIL in the ladies room at the reception and said that the food was making her sick.
  • The MIL who passed out at the reception after dancing on a table.

That’s it for today. If you can beat any of these, please leave your comments. A lot of women need a few good laughs right about now. Your stories just might do the trick.

Photo: mikecogh