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- 28
Feb -
Author : Claudia Category : Women's Strength
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No matter how deep the “stuff” you are dealing with during the divorce process is, remember that it could be worse.
You can get through the difficulty and when you look back, you will realize that the process actually strengthened you.
How can an adversity like divorce help you?
Think of it this way. If you want to begin to build up your muscle tone, you need to lift weights. If you want to strengthen your abs, you need to do crunches. If you want to become fit enough to run distances, you need to build up your leg muscles.
So if you want to build up your emotional strength, you need to come into contact with and work through the “stuff” that comes with adversity.
Someone sent me this picture and like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case the woman was shoveling and that was contributing to her strength.
In her case, the adversity wasn’t divorce. It was snow. Do you get the drift?