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Feb -
Author : Claudia Category : Women's Strength
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Is age catching? Think about it. You can’t stay away from people who are aging because they are everywhere.
Even the youngest and most beautiful babies are aging. Look at the animals. They are aging. Look at the flowers and the trees. They are aging.
So, you need to face the fact that aging is something that cannot be escaped. You can’t take a pill to avoid getting old. (Even though some people will tell you that they are selling such a pill.)
Where do you want to go as you age? Do you want to be in the same place, with the same ability for growth or do you want to transcend to a higher level? Do you want a more fulfilling and happier life with each passing year?
The secret to staying young and transcending is to think young and keep what’s inside young. That is done by taking care of your body and what goes into it. It is also done by living life with enthusiasm and passion. Malcolm Forbes said it best, “People who never get carried away should be.”
If you don’t want to be carried away, then get carried away! Your ability to rise above your current situation depends on your mindset and your enthusiasm and passion.
Photo: Brent Schneeman