Talk To Your Children

Many times women become so focused on their divorces that they overlook some of the things going on in their children’s lives. Please, take the time to talk to your children about the issue of bullying because it could save a life, maybe even your child’s life.

I would like to share with you parts of a story that a friend of mine on Twitter shared. Her name is @MissShuganah and her words made a huge impression on me.

“All throughout grammar school, I was either teased or bullied… a child is meant to feel as if they are not as good as everyone else… My pain was very real. I imagined my funeral… I opened up the knife drawer and started testing knives for sharpness by placing my finger tip against the edge of each one.

My dad sat there frozen, but my mom asked me what I was doing. I told her… I followed her upstairs to my bedroom, and we sat on the bed and talked. She talked to me about suicide…No one taught me how to fend off bullies. Not my mom. Not my dad. Not my older brothers. Not any teachers. Not any friends. It took me years to figure it out. …That is how we stop bullies. We assert a quiet authority.”

Remember that your divorce is not just about you. It’s about your children even more. Please don’t lose sight of that. 

Photo: apdk