The Golden Rule

I would like to share a portion of an email that I recently received. This is not an uncommon situation during the divorce process.

“…We have been married for 18 years. For the first fourteen years of our marriage, I couldn’t get him into a church except when our kids were baptized. Then about three years ago, that changed.  Now he is a Born Again Christian…or so he says.

He filed for divorce about 3 months ago and from that moment on, he has lied to the courts, to me and to the kids. He has hidden a lot of our marital assets so that they won’t be part of equitable distribution. How can someone who professes to be a Born Again Christian be so dishonest, deceitful, disloyal and unkind? I just don’t get it…”

Here is a portion of my answer to her:

People can label others and they can label themselves. That does not mean that the labels are accurate. I believe that people who have an honest faith in God, try to live as He wants them to live. That means that they try to abide by His laws. The three that many people seem to forget during the divorce process are:

You should not steal.

You should not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You should not commit adultery.

Most religions have a common law and it is called The Golden Rule. In essence, The Golden Rule is a moral rule. It is stated in many ways but probably the most common is:

You should treat other people in the way that you want to be treated. If you act in a specific way toward another, and yet are unwilling to be treated that way in the same circumstances, you violate the rule.

Try to think this way, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Photo by yosomelina