To Be Or Not To Be: Divorced

You are unhappy in your marriage but you have not decided for sure if divorce is the right thing for you.

Some days you think you should try to work it out and you try to focus on his good points. You say to yourself, “He is a good provider. He loves the kids. He helps around the house. So what is so bad about this marriage?”

Then other days, you are sure that divorce is on the horizon and you are miserable. You say to yourself, “He is so mean. He does nothing to show me that he cares. I am sure that he is fooling around. He is never there for me.”

You waffle from one day to the next and from one minute to the next. Your concerns are frightening you. You don’t know how you will survive without him. You worry about the effect a divorce might have on your children.

You dream about what it would be like to have a marriage that was filled with love. You dream about your knight in shining amour.

Buzz! Warning! Warning! Do not ask friends or family what you should do! Warning! Whatever decision you make, it must be your own! Warning! This is not the time to listen to what others say. If you make a decision based on what someone else says, you will make the wrong decision.

Only you can decide and you will know what you need to do when the time is right.

Photo by Dr Keats