Five Rules for Divorcing Parents

The divorce process is difficult. We all get that. Most divorcing couples understand that divorce is hard for all involved, especially the children.

The problem is that with many people, it stops there. They are so self-centered that they are incapable of keeping the children out of the ugliness of divorce. For whatever reason, they can be so filled with anger that they become blinded. The children become pawns in the chess game of divorce.

If you want to keep your children as emotionally healthy as possible, you must bite the bullet and work as a team with your soon to be ex-spouse.

Five Rules for Divorcing Parents

  1. You and your spouse should tell the children about the divorce together. You must be tactful and understand that they may act in a way that is not what you might have expected.
  2. You both must let them know that the divorce does not involve them and that they did not cause it.
  3. You should tell them that you will parent together and that you will communicate regularly regarding each of them.
  4. You both must vow not to talk badly about each other.
  5. You must not involve the children in the ugliness of your divorce process.

Even though you may have been wronged, put your feelings aside for the sake of your children. You must understand that your children love both of you and they do not want to take sides. Don’t be surprised if the relationship you have with your children changes. You must understand that many times, the children will gravitate toward the parent they are most afraid of losing.

Make your mindset one of forgiveness and patience. Above all, keep perspective. Life will go on for all of you, so it’s of utmost importance to make the process as easy as possible for your children.

Photo: o5com


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