Has Your Husband Become Sir GalaBAD?

besst knightIf you are married to a narcissist, chances are that you are feeling frustrated, like a failure and uncertain as to what really happened to your marriage. You might not understand how your Knight in Shining Armor could have become Sir GalaBAD.

You need to understand that narcissists are talented in their ability to demean others and extinguish their self-worth, strength of character and confidence… little by little. They are so good that others can believe that they are the problem.

Please look at the following and see if any of the descriptions pertain to your husband and you.

Danger Signs of a Narcissist

  • Does he say that he is right and you are wrong? Does he indicate that his wants are important and yours are not? Does he occasionally agree with you and then say “BUT” followed by statements that negate his agreeing?
  • Does he act in ways that indicate that his needs are important and yours are not? Does he make sure that conversations are geared toward him? Is he generous on his timing and not on yours?
  • Does he show you that he is above the rules because they don’t apply to him? Does he dominate the road? Does he have affairs? Does he cheat on his taxes? Does he take pride in “outsmarting” others?
  • Does he interpret your words in ways that make you out as criticizing him? Does he see that what troubles you is a criticism of him? Does he get angry when you mention your concerns? It is fine for him to tell you how you did wrong but it is not fine for you to mention how he does wrong? Does he hurt you in an effort to get back at you?
  • When there is discord, does he believe that it is always because you did something wrong? Does he ever apologize? Does he ever admit that he is wrong? Is he quick to blame you?
  • When he gets angry, is it always your fault? Does he cheat and blame you? Are problems always because of the faults of someone else? Is he intolerant and does he lose his temper easily? Is he overly sensitive and is any negative a direct affront to him?

Please take head of the aforementioned because narcissists are extremely difficult to divorce without major fallout! Trust me. I experienced it firsthand.