Is Someone You Love Facing Divorce?

So many of you are connecting with me because you have loved ones who are facing divorce and you want to do what you can to help them. The audio that I am now offering just might be your answer.

You are in such a difficult position. You want to be supportive but you don’t want to overstep any boundaries. Here is the issue. You must walk a fine line because if you push the divorce issue, you will be doing the wrong thing. Any woman who is facing the decision of filing for divorce has to make her own decision.

If someone you love has already decided to file for divorce or has received a divorce petition from her husband…you can help. The best guideline that I can suggest is that you offer a listening ear, offer perspective, let her know that she must take care of herself and remind her of the fact that her children are of utmost importance.

Please don’t bad mouth her soon to be ex. That will only make her want to defend him. Be there. Be supportive. Be understanding. Listen to her. Do not push your opinions on her.

Trust me when I tell you that this is the best way that you can really help her.