Revealed: Divorce Duct Tape

Divorce can destroy families, relationships, finances, futures, loyalties, senses of well being, confidence and an ability to cope.

Divorce can bring with it piranhas that want to feed on sadness, guilt, fear, feelings of abandonment and pain. Divorce can make all involved depressed, insecure, afraid and lonely.

If you are finding yourself anywhere in the divorce process, you must reach for the divorce duct tape right away!

I define divorce duck tape as the ABC’s of Divorce.

Divorce Duct Tape:

  • A. Assets
  • B. Billable hours
  • C. Children and their needs
  • D. Divorce with dignity.

I will attempt to break down the ABC’s of Divorce Duct Tape

Assets: Both spouses must plan for the “what ifs” that might occur if a divorce happens. That means that spouses must  protect themselves legally.

Billable Hours: Both spouses must be aware of what legal fees they are  they are paying and why.

They must ask their divorce attorneys

  • Why do I need to do that?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How will that benefit me?
  • What is the alternative?
  • How will that benefit me?
  • How much will that cost?

Children: If you care about your children, pay the ordered child support, don’t discuss your divorce with them, don’t badmouth your soon to be ex spouse, don’t ask them to pick sides and don’t try to alienate them from your ex spouse.

Remember that the statistics show that after divorce

  • Men experience a 10% increase in lifestyle
  • Women experience a 27% decrease in lifestyle

My message to you today is that you must pay attention to your instincts and always ask why. As difficult as it is right now, believe that you can and you can. Believe that you will and you will.

I’m here for you if you need me. I’m an email or a call away.