Why You Must Own Your Divorce

This post is on a subject that many women don’t want to acknowledge.

So get ready…get set…go…read on!

You are not super human! You are not super woman! You do have weaknesses. You are afraid at times. You do make mistakes and that’s okay. The sooner you face that fact, the sooner you will be able to stop beating yourself up because you are getting divorced.

Whether you are initiating divorce or whether your spouse has initiated divorce, please face reality.

Your marriage failed. So now, own it. Pretending will not help. Ignoring the facts will not help. Hiding will not help. Blaming will not help.

People fail in life and that means women fail in life. Your dreams were to have a forever and ever marriage, right?

Well, happily ever after is in fairy tales. It isn’t always the case in real life.

Divorce hurts. Divorce rips your heart out. Divorce makes you feel unloved, abandoned, a failure and insignificant. Divorce destroys your self esteem.

Please understand that all of those emotions are normal when divorce occurs. It is totally normal to grieve and hurt, just like you would if you experienced the death of a loved one.

Allow yourself to go through the grieving process.

Then, take care of yourself. Get enough sleep. Get exercise. Spend times with friends and family who support and love you.

Your marriage failed. Many marriages fail. That is so sad but it happens because people make mistakes and therefore marriages can fail.

Own it and learn from it!

Photo: confidentjohn


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